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December 30, 2007


homes for sale costa rica

Well, I don’t know if this rule holds true across the board or not, but it certainly seems to be the case for Bowman & Landes Free Range Turkey Farm in New Carlisle, OH. Recently I drove through two hours of snowy Ohio scenery to meet up with the folks at Bowman & Landes, who gave me the grand tour of their turkey farm.

Jim Weaver


The JavaFX compiler creates JVM bytecode in .class files, and the original FX files are not necessary for execution. Jar files are not created as a part of the javafxc process that I've referenced on this list.

You may be talking about interpreted JavaFX Script, which is just a working prototype for the compiled version, and should not be necessary too much longer.



I was curious. I've noticed that "compiling" JavaFX script simply puts .fx files into a Java archived file (JAR).

However, anyone can go into that .jar file and see the code I wrote for the application, which may include database URL, login credentials, etc.

Aside from creating separate Java classes to grab this sensitive information, is there any way to "literally" create a jar file with some form of compiled (binary) representation of your JavaFX script files?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, either here or at my e-mail address.

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