You may know that I've been progressively building a Tetris game in JavaFX on this blog, the most recent post being Game Over: Improving upon the Compiled JavaFX Tetris Program. In each post I've shown you the code and pointed out some highlights. Since then I've added some finishing touches, and would be honored if you've try it out and give me (kind) feedback for improving it further. The screenshot below shows what TetrisJFX should look like when you click this Java Web Start link. By the way, you'll need the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) 1.5 or later. Also, please keep in mind that the JavaFX Script JAR files will be included with the JRE at some point. Until then please understand that when you click this link those JAR files will be downloaded as well, causing a bit of a delay.
In addition to clicking the image buttons at the bottom of the game, you can use keystrokes (hover over the images to see tooltips that tell you what the keystrokes are). In a future version, the arrow keys will be used for game control. I also plan to provide the ability to cause the current tetromino to fall faster. By the way, the tetrominoes fall progressively faster as your score increases, so be warned. :-)
If you have any questions or input for improvements, please post a comment. Also, if you'll be at JavaOne 2008, please attend my JavaFX Script Programming Language Tutorial session and introduce yourself afterward!
Have fun!
Jim Weaver
JavaFX Script: Dynamic Java Scripting for Rich Internet/Client-side Applications
Immediate eBook (PDF) download available at the book's Apress site
Tetris - legend in the gaming industry but i do prefer flash based rather then java.
Posted by: Adam | September 27, 2009 at 08:24 AM
OH Tetris my favorite game ever lol. Sorta sad I got that excited but oh well lol.
Posted by: Kristi | June 30, 2008 at 11:34 AM
That's a good question (about the joystick). Do joysticks usually map to keys or mouse movements?
Posted by: Jim Weaver | June 02, 2008 at 07:44 AM
I want to use JavaFX in my next project. This scripting language is the last missing piece in the Java technology stack, I think. Thank you, for demo.
Posted by: Great demo ! | May 02, 2008 at 09:19 AM