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June 27, 2008


Hans Kristanto


It's a great article for me, a newbie in JavaFX. I try to run your code in Netbeans 6.7.1, but i've got so may errors. The most important error is, all the import packages are unavailable. The compiler could not found the class. Once i populate all classes, my classes are so different with you've populated in this article. I'm using JavaFX 1.2.. any clue? i really need this clue Sir.

Thank you

James Weaver

"Looks like I'll spend my entire long weekend trying to figure out how to make a simple 3x3 array of rectangles since GridPanel is gone huh?"

There are a couple of options available now to create a grid of nodes
1) Use HBox and VBox, as shown in the following Create a Simple Calculator series:

2) Use the new Grid class in the JFXtras project. See the following post:

Jim Weaver

Bill Thayer

Looks like I'll spend my entire long weekend trying to figure out how to make a simple 3x3 array of rectangles since GridPanel is gone huh?


Hi James !!

It's nice to see your blog and thanks a lot for your javafx script book. It helped me a lot in uderstanding the structure for writing my basic script. I wanted to know that If I have to make a big appliaction and required handling database,logging,network,internationlization etc, then will it be suitable to use JavaFx. Can we use any existing framework like Swing application framework to support life cycle. Please help

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