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August 20, 2008


Jim Weaver


Thanks for your suggestions. I implemented them and they did indeed simplify the code, as well as fix the unwanted behaviors that you pointed out. As to your suggestion about helping me code osme components, I would welcome your help and expertise! I like the idea of creating a dockable MenuNode, so maybe we could alter the MenuNode to have that behavior?

Thanks again,
Jim Weaver

Edgar Merino

Hello again,

the code improvements are applicable to the post: Rolling Your Own JavaFX "Custom Nodes": A Graphical Menu Example, but it might apply to others; it's something very simple but improves animation speed and glitches. The key is to use the toggle attribute in the Timeline class instead of hardcoding the computations needed for the animation to take place, it's all explained in the email (the last one actually gives a better example of it). By the way, I would be really glad to help you out on coding some components, since I was about to start a new api of my own, but I guess it would be much better to simply unite our efforts (while we wait for some standard nodes to come out).

Jim Weaver

Edgar wrote: "Hello, I just sent you an email regarding some issues (code improvements) with animations. I hope you were able to read them. Good job by the way (for the blog)."

Thanks for your kind words. I saw your email. Do your code improvements pertain to an example in a particular post? If so, which post is it?

Jim Weaver

Edgar Merino

Hello, I just sent you an email regarding some issues (code improvements) with animations. I hope you were able to read them. Good job by the way (for the blog).

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