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August 17, 2008



Thx for your tutorial. I just needed a Custom Scrollable Table in JavaFX. I'll try it

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I am looking to model in the high fashion industry. I am planning on going on America's Next Top Model but I am wondering if it would be possible to go to college before I begin my career. I know that the career doesn't last forever and that is why I would like to go to college so that way I could get another job once I am too old to model. If you could tell me how long a modeling career lasts in the high fashion industry. Any additional information would be appreciated. Thank you.

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I would like somebody to set up a script or something that will allow
me to match records in microsoft excel. As it is now, I can only use
the find feature (which finds records one by one), which is not
comprehensive enough for me. What I need is to be able to find ALL
RECORDS that contain the search variable I am looking for. For
example, if I search for "1234", I would like all cels that contain
"1234" to appear (even if the cel is "CT1234", "G1234GG", etc.)

James Weaver

"Good example of a JavaFX table that doesn't use Swing. Do you have updated TableNode.fx code that will compile successfully with JavaFX 1.2?"


I haven't updated it for 1.2, but have you seen the table control in JFXtras (http://jfxtras.org)? The SpeedReaderFX app uses it if you'd like to try it out: http://jfx.me/speedreaderfx.html

Jim Weaver

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