Chris Oliver, founder of JavaFX, has gone into the mode of systematically articulating a case for JavaFX. His post-JavaFX-SDK-1.0-release blog articles as of this writing have been:
Experiments with JavaFX script, in which he cites a "A nice introduction to JavaFX script by Weiqi Gao." Full disclosure and shameless plug: Weiqi Gao (and Stephen Chin, co-founder of the WidgetFX and JFXtras projects) are my co-authors of the upcoming Pro JavaFX book.
Media, in which he discusses, among other things, the "broad cultural divide between the real media world, and the world of current 2d graphics toolkits."
Performance matters, but for whom?, in which he identifies two of the points of view held about JavaFX and proceeds to state his current mission: "Since I happen to think both points of view are wrong, it's my job to prove that, and to bring us together, and that's what I'm currently working on."
Data binding in Silverlight and Flex compared to JavaFX 1.0, in which he challenges: "For those who've never actually tried JavaFX script, let me just say this: any JavaFX script variable may be bound to any expression of any complexity (including function calls, Java method calls, loops, conditional expressions, block expressions, etc). "
Chris Oliver's blog should be interesting reading for a while!
Jim Weaver