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December 07, 2008


James Weaver

"...So thanks in advance for your answers.

I'm sorry that I haven't responded sooner to your questions. Are you using the JavaFX SDK 1.0 (as opposed to a previous version)? Binding performance was improved a few months ago. If you are still having issues or questions, can you please post some code examples that I can look at and respond to?

Jim Weaver

James Weaver

"So thank you for your tutorials."

It's my pleasure!

Jim Weaver


Simply kewl! Im in my 1st year java programming degree. We learnt fundamentals using processing.org. While I thought that was awesome, this is much more useful to me. So thank you for your tutorials.


Hi James,
First thanks for your usefull tips and lessons.
I'm writing right now an app in order to layout elements (text or images) for a printer (industrial) and I've some disagrements with rendering's performance when moving my customNode with the mouse(I've tryed javafx.com sample way). I've found that including many composite customNode such as group decrease performance and quality.
Is the best way is to make as possible larges scripts instead of a lot a composed? And what about binding performance, is it better to do: [string: bind "{bind varA}iznizx{bind varB}"] instead of binding directly to a well formed String. I've see on the compiler's hudson builds that the team is rewriting binding, can we wait better performances? for now i'm rewriting with less groups of customNodes and i'm thinking about restricting event with timing test. So thanks in advance for your FX'guru answers.
(ps: sorry i'm french :-)

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