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January 15, 2009


Dean Iverson


Glad to hear it!


Maya Incaand


Just to let you know,I finally managed to checkout svn and run the project successfully.

Thank you.

Maya Incaand

Dean, many thanks for your help.

Swapped the rt,tried many ways,problem seems to be with JFXtras so I will ask over there.

Thank you.

Dean Iverson


Right click on the project in the Netbeans Projects window. Then click on Properties and when the dialog is displayed, click on the Libraries entry in the list on the left side of the dialog box.

You should see an entry for JFXtras. Just remove the existing (broken) reference to the project, then click on Add Project and and navigate to the directory where you checked out the JFXtras code and select the top-level directory of the project.

See this blog post if you have trouble building JFXtras:



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