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January 01, 2009


homes for sale costa rica

Well, I don’t know if this rule holds true across the board or not, but it certainly seems to be the case for Bowman & Landes Free Range Turkey Farm in New Carlisle, OH. Recently I drove through two hours of snowy Ohio scenery to meet up with the folks at Bowman & Landes, who gave me the grand tour of their turkey farm.

Dean Iverson


You are correct. As far as I know, these types of boolean expressions are not yet supported in JavaFX controls.

However, you can use any public boolean var on your control class as a pseudo-class (i.e. MyControl:myBooleanVar). Although, there are a few bugs with pseudo-classes here and there (they don't work on shapes, for example).





Hi Jim, thanks a HEAP for your posts on CSS they are most helpful indeed (and upstream thanks to Simon). Now that I have this working I can see an *almost* perfect separation between Model+Controller & View....

I'm impressed by Control Pseudoclasses (hover, pressed, selected). This allows you to style the Control if any of the Pseudoclasses are true

"MyControl":pressed { fill: GREEN}

However, I'd really like to know how to add a custom Pseudoclass to a control. This would allow for a far more distinct seperation between Control+Model and View(css/skin).

I've posted this on the JavaFX developer forum here: http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?messageID=10564984�

The example requirement is to be able to create a stateful Control with Pseudoclass called "state" with possible values "LOW:MED:HIGH"

..and css...

"MyControl":${state=="LOW" { fill: Yellow}
"MyControl":${state=="MED" { fill: Orange}
"MyControl":${state=="HIGH" { fill: Red}

This would be a huge leap forward for true "cascading" stylesheet support (and JavaFX) :) Apparently JavaCSS supports this but it might not be in JavaFX yet (https://javacss.dev.java.net/docs/file_format.html)

Thanks Again.

Dean Iverson


Normally all of the control's logic will be contained in the control itself. If you look at Simon's post you can see that the min, max, and current value are kept in the control. This separation will allow the skins to handle user input and then call the control's logic as appropriate.

I hate to bring out an old fallback, but you can kind of think of the skin as the view/controller and the control as the model in MVC terms.


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