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January 29, 2009


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Why you don't give us a more in deep explication ? I can't understand nothing at all.

Chandrasekar V

The EAR of the application I create is deployed in weblogic.

I would be glad if anyone could kindly provide me with a sample.

Thanks and Regards,
Chandrasekar V.

Chandrasekar V


About me:
I am a developer gearing up to start exploring JavaFX.

I have a web application using Struts with the front end being JSP.
I need to use JavaFX instead of the Jsp to create a better UI and provide it as a solution to my team mates.

Can anyone mail me or mail me links a sample Struts application that uses JavaFX as the front end.

My mail id:
[email protected]

I tried to browse through the net but in vain.

Thanks for your help,
Chandrasekar V.

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