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February 13, 2009



These samples will run on phones. I have JavaFX installed on 2 Pocket PCs (Windows Mobile 6 and 6.5) and have ran many sample aps such as this.


which program i can used to paste this ex. into it, and how spicified it to adapted with mobile ?




I'm working on a mobile application and want just ask you two questions: If I work on JavaFX for desktop (because I need to use the swing components), may I convert my future work in order to be used for Mobile when the next release will be ready?
If I can, then may I know when this update will be realesed? Sorry, but I need to know more precisely about the realease date, since I've to decide in few days which platform it's better to use.
Thank you very much

James Weaver


It is my understanding that "real phones" on which you can run JavaFX Mobile will be available from vendors by JavaOne, and that applications developed with JavaFX 1.1 (with features available in the Common profile) will run on those handsets.

Jim Weaver

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