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April 21, 2009



i like this part of the blog:"Oracle doesn’t have a competing GUI & graphics technology, however Oracle also doesn’t seem to be very interested in that space. I would expect Oracle to continue to support JavaFX for the time being but truly process JavaFX maybe a year from now, when it would have come to terms with the Sun acquisition."" is very good

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I heard the same things, and I also heard the specifics you mention backed up by the broader spectrum of statements about the value Oracle sees in what they are acquiring in Sun, including Sun's open source software. that`s right!!!


Speaking of Chris Oliver, where is he? Is he presenting anything at JavaOne? His blog has been very quiet for a while ...


I think I remember someone telling me that Oracle sells databases. Correct me if I'm wrong ;

Since JavaFX is pointed clearly at the RIA space and RIA requires a database on the other end, anything that spreads RIA uptake by the masses is good for Oracle's database business.

People buy databases to back applications. RIA and crowd-oriented applications need a community database. Crowd-based datamining, the hive mind, whatever you want to call it, all need thick clients and RIA to talk to a shared database.

I think it's easy to see where this is going...

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