If you've hung around senior [-citizen] programmers (or are one), you've no doubt heard tales such as "we only had 4K of memory, and had to make use of every byte/bit". For your amusement and edification, here's a picture from thegreatgeekmanual.com of the first Apple II (circa 1977), which sported 4K of RAM:
Josh Marinacci's latest JavaFX Studio Challenge is a bit reminiscent of these good old days, in that he is encouraging us to create a cool JavaFX program that "must not be more than 30 lines of code or 3000 characters (your choice)".
The deadline for submitting your entry for this JFXStudio Challenge is midnight Wednesday night (30 September 2009). The challenge is to create something cool in only 30 lines of JavaFX Script code, using the theme of 'Time'. To give you some ideas Josh has posted his own entry. Take a look for some inspiration!
Speaking of contests, the winners of the WidgetFX Developers Contest were announced yesterday, and I'd like to convey my congratulations to Pär Dahlberg (ScreenshotFX widget), Yannick Van Godtsenhoven (RadioFX widget), and Larry Dickson (Weather widget). A screenshot of these widgets in the WidgetFX dock is shown on the right. I'm using the RadioFX widget as I'm writing this to listen to an internet music channel that plays baroque music.
Regards, and congratulations again to these winners!
Jim Weaver