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December 03, 2009


rk tumuluri

Swing & JavaFX combination ?.

Perhaps most of the folks who are awaiting the JavaFX 1.3 release have seen this ... In any case


Since a lot of the Swing controls are robust, you could use them and add subtle effects/animations per Amy's advice. The "wait" for JavaFX 1.3 might get easier this way ?.

Junior O

It's really amazing. No release date as of now?? Looking at the new things they are bringing out, I can't figure out why it is taking that long. They are cool but not that cool to warrant this eternal thriller/suspense. For an end-user, I am torn between implementing my own stuff or waiting for 1.3. And I wonder if it is even worth it. I waited for 1.2 only to find out the ListView was actually a ListBox. Maybe I should just migrate to Flash and comeback and look at Fx in 5 years time. I'm sure 1.4 will be released by then


Hi there,
Is there anything new about JavaFX 1.3? e.g. a new estimated release date?


I really need TableView and waiting for this component.

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