Most of us believe that the earth isn't flat, but it surprised me to discover that some Swedish researchers have presented evidence to support their theory that the Earth's core is cube-shaped. Just thought I'd throw in a little trivia for your edification, as it is slightly related to today's JavaFX program example, named EarthCubeFX.
As mentioned in the Your Calendar PWN3D post, the JavaFX 1.3 SDK, released 22-Apr-2010, contains some basic 3D-related features with which you can begin experimenting:
- There is a new package, named javafx.runtime, which contains classes that allow an application to query the capabilities of the platform. One of these capabilities is represented by the SCENE3D constant of the ConditionalFeature class.
- The Point3D class in the javafx.geometry package represents a point in 3D space, with variables named x, y and z.
- The Node class contains scaleZ and translateZ variables, for scaling and translating (moving) a node on the Z-axis.
- The Node class also contains a rotationAxis variable, which defines the rotation axis (X, Y or Z) on which a node will rotate at the angle specified in that node's rotate variable.
- The Rotate and Scale classes contained in the javafx.scene.transform package have instance variables named pivotX, pivotY and pivotZ that define a rotation pivot point.
- The RotationTransition, ScaleTransition, and TranslateTransition classes accept a three dimensional axis.
- The PerspectiveCamera class, located in the javafx.scene package, defines a viewing volume (which is shaped like a truncated right pyramid) for a perspective projection. Its fieldOfView variable specifies the vertical angle of the camera's projection.
In this post I’d like to introduce you to these features in the context of the EarthCubeFX example.
The EarthCubeFX Example Program
The EarthCubeFX example program features a cube that contains Google Map tiles on its faces. You can download the NetBeans project containing this example here. After downloading and unzipping the file, open the project in NetBeans. To enable the stack that implements 3D capabilities, the NetBeans project contains the following JVM argument in the Run pane of its Project Properties dialog:
-Xtoolkit prism
Because the program access Google Map tiles from the Internet at runtime, verify that you have an Internet connection when running the program. Here are some instructions for using the EarthCubeFX example:
Taking EarthCubeFX for a Spin
When the EarthCubeFX application is invoked, it appears in a transparent (and undecorated) window after having requested image tiles via the Internet from Google Maps:
To make the appearance more interesting than a blank cube, the Google Map image tiles from a round planet are placed on the cube. In keeping with the Earth theme, the cube orients itself on the Y axis as if the Sun were behind the user, and then slowly turns to continue tracking the Sun. At the time the screen shot above was taken, the Sun was warming the Atlantic Ocean. The user may interact with the cube in the following ways:
- Dragging the face of the cube causes it to rotate in the direction of the drag.
- Pressing the spacebar key fades the Google Map image tiles, exposing the plain cube as shown in the screen shot below. Note that in this mode, the cube doesn’t track the Sun. Pressing the spacebar again causes the map tiles to fade in, and the tracking behavior to resume.
- Dragging the face of the cube while holding the control key down moves the cube around the screen.
- Dragging the face of the cube in the up or down direction while holding the alt key down causes it to move on the Z axis, toward or away from the user, respectively.
- Double-clicking the face of the cube causes it to rotate to its original X and Y axis angles.
- Pressing the esc key closes the EarthCubeFX application.
Here’s a short video of these interactions with the cube:
Examining the EarthCubeFX Code
Now that you are familiar with the behavior of EarthCubeFX, let’s examine its 3D related code together. First, here’s the code for the CubeNode itself:
/* * CubeNode.fx * * A cube-shaped UI component upon whose faces other nodes may placed. * * Developed by James L. Weaver ( to demonstrate the * use of SCENE3D conditional features in the JavaFX 1.3 API */ package javafxpert.cube; import javafx.animation.*; import javafx.scene.*; import javafx.scene.input.*; import javafx.scene.layout.*; import javafx.scene.paint.*; import javafx.scene.shape.*; import javafx.scene.transform.*; import javafx.util.Math.*; import javafx.util.Sequences; def HOME_ANGLE_X = 20.0; def HOME_ANGLE_Y = -30.0; def MIN_ANGLE_X = -70.0; def MAX_ANGLE_X = 70.0; def MIN_ANGLE_Y = -720.0; def MAX_ANGLE_Y = 720.0; def MIN_TRANSLATE_Z = 0.0; def MAX_TRANSLATE_Z = 10000.0; public class CubeNode extends CustomNode { postinit { goHomePosition(); } var r:Number; public var edgeLength:Number = 100 on replace { r = edgeLength * 0.5; }; public-init var frontNode:Node; public-init var rearNode:Node; public-init var leftNode:Node; public-init var rightNode:Node; public-init var topNode:Node; public-init var bottomNode:Node; public var faceHue:Number = 211; public var faceSat:Number = 0.25; override var translateZ on replace { if (translateZ > MAX_TRANSLATE_Z) { translateZ = MAX_TRANSLATE_Z; } else if (translateZ < MIN_TRANSLATE_Z) { translateZ = MIN_TRANSLATE_Z; } } var angleX:Number on replace { if (angleX > MAX_ANGLE_X) { angleX = MAX_ANGLE_X; } else if (angleX < MIN_ANGLE_X) { angleX = MIN_ANGLE_X; }; arrangeFacesZOrder(); }; var angleY:Number on replace { if (angleY > MAX_ANGLE_Y) { angleY = MAX_ANGLE_Y; } else if (angleY < MIN_ANGLE_Y) { angleY = MIN_ANGLE_Y; } arrangeFacesZOrder(); }; var dragPressedAngleX:Number; var dragPressedAngleY:Number; var dragStartOffsetX:Number; var dragStartOffsetY:Number; var rearFace:CubeFace = CubeFace { transforms: [ Translate { x: 0 y: 0 z: edgeLength }, Rotate { angle: 180.0 axis: Rotate.Y_AXIS pivotX: edgeLength / 2 } ] node: Group { content: bind [ createFaceRectangle(rearFace), rearNode ] } }; var bottomFace:CubeFace = CubeFace { transforms: [ Translate { x: 0 y: 0 z: edgeLength }, Rotate { angle: 90.0 axis: Rotate.X_AXIS pivotY: edgeLength } ] node: Group { content: bind [ createFaceRectangle(bottomFace), bottomNode ] } }; var leftFace:CubeFace = CubeFace { transforms: [ Translate { x: 0 y: 0 z: edgeLength }, Rotate { angle: 90.0 axis: Rotate.Y_AXIS pivotX: 0 } ] node: Group { content: bind [ createFaceRectangle(leftFace), leftNode ] } }; var rightFace:CubeFace = CubeFace { transforms: [ Translate { x: 0 y: 0 z: edgeLength }, Rotate { angle: -90.0 axis: Rotate.Y_AXIS pivotX: edgeLength } ] node: Group { content: bind [ createFaceRectangle(rightFace), rightNode ] } }; var topFace:CubeFace = CubeFace { transforms: [ Translate { x: 0 y: 0 z: edgeLength }, Rotate { angle: -90.0 axis: Rotate.X_AXIS pivotY: 0 } ] node: Group { content: bind [ createFaceRectangle(topFace), topNode ] } }; var frontFace:CubeFace = CubeFace { transforms: [ Translate { x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 } ] node: Stack { content: bind [ createFaceRectangle(frontFace), frontNode ] } }; function arrangeFacesZOrder():Void { var baseGroup = children[0] as Group; rearFace.zPos = r * cos(toRadians(angleY + 0)); bottomFace.zPos = r * cos(toRadians(angleX + 270)); leftFace.zPos = r * cos(toRadians(angleY + 270)); rightFace.zPos = r * cos(toRadians(angleY + 90)); topFace.zPos = r * cos(toRadians(angleX + 90)); frontFace.zPos = r * cos(toRadians(angleY + 180)); baseGroup.content = (Sequences.sort(baseGroup.content as CubeFace[]) as Node[]); } function createFaceRectangle(face:CubeFace):Rectangle { Rectangle { width: edgeLength height: edgeLength fill: bind computeFaceHSB(faceHue, faceSat, face.zPos, r) } } bound function computeFaceHSB(faceHue:Number, faceSat:Number, zPos:Number, radius:Number):Color { Color.hsb(faceHue, faceSat, abs(-zPos / (radius * 2)) + 0.40) } public function goHomePosition():Void { var homeTimeline = Timeline { keyFrames: [ KeyFrame { time: 1000ms values: [ angleX => HOME_ANGLE_X tween Interpolator.EASEBOTH, angleY => HOME_ANGLE_Y tween Interpolator.EASEBOTH, ] } ] };; } public function goPosition(angX:Number, angY:Number):Void { var tempAngX = angX; var tempAngY = angY; if (tempAngX.isNaN()) { tempAngX = HOME_ANGLE_X; } if (tempAngY.isNaN()) { tempAngY = HOME_ANGLE_Y; } var goTimeline = Timeline { keyFrames: [ KeyFrame { time: 1000ms values: [ angleX => tempAngX tween Interpolator.EASEBOTH, angleY => tempAngY tween Interpolator.EASEBOTH ] } ] };; } override var children = bind [ Group { content: [ rearFace, bottomFace, leftFace, rightFace, topFace, frontFace ] transforms: [ Rotate { angle: bind angleX axis: Rotate.X_AXIS pivotX: edgeLength * 0.5 pivotY: edgeLength * 0.5 pivotZ: edgeLength * 0.5 }, Rotate { angle: bind angleY axis: Rotate.Y_AXIS pivotX: edgeLength * 0.5 pivotY: edgeLength * 0.5 pivotZ: edgeLength * 0.5 } ] onMousePressed: function(me:MouseEvent):Void { dragPressedAngleX = angleX; dragPressedAngleY = angleY; dragStartOffsetX = me.screenX - scene.stage.x; dragStartOffsetY = me.screenY - scene.stage.y; } onMouseDragged: function(me:MouseEvent):Void { if (me.controlDown) { scene.stage.x = me.screenX - dragStartOffsetX; scene.stage.y = me.screenY - dragStartOffsetY; } else if (me.altDown) { translateZ = translateZ + me.dragY * 10; } else { angleX = (me.dragY / 2) + dragPressedAngleX; angleY = (me.dragX / -2) + dragPressedAngleY; } } onMouseClicked: function(me:MouseEvent):Void { if (me.clickCount == 2) { goHomePosition(); } } } ] }
The first concept from the code that we’ll examine is the ability in JavaFX 1.3 to translate (move) nodes on the Z axis.
Translate Transformations on the Z Axis
There are three ways in JavaFX to perform a translate transformation on the Z axis. The first way is to use the javafx.scene.transform.Translate class. Another way involves the use of the translateZ instance variable of the node that you wish to translate. The third way is to use the TranslateTransition class, located in the javafx.animation.transition package. Each of these ways produces the same result: moving a node toward or away from the user.
Using the Translate Class
The code snippet below from the CubeNode.fx listing above demonstrates the use of the Translate class:
var rearFace:CubeFace = CubeFace { transforms: [ Translate { x: 0 y: 0 z: edgeLength }, Rotate { angle: 180.0 axis: Rotate.Y_AXIS pivotX: edgeLength / 2 } ] node: Group { content: bind [ createFaceRectangle(rearFace), rearNode ] } };
When the CubeNode is instantiated, six CubeFace instances are created and placed in the scene graph. The snippet above shows one of these instances (the rear face) being created and positioned at distance equal to the value of edgeLength (the length of the cube edges) on the Z axis of the cube. The Translate instance is used in the transforms sequence of the Node class, whose purpose is to express one or more transformations. In this case, the Translate is performed, followed by the Rotate, which will be discussed shortly.
Using the Node translateZ Variable
The following code snippet from CubeNode.fx demonstrates the use of the translateZ variable:
onMouseDragged: function(me:MouseEvent):Void {
if (me.controlDown) {
scene.stage.x = me.screenX - dragStartOffsetX;
scene.stage.y = me.screenY - dragStartOffsetY;
else if (me.altDown) {
translateZ = translateZ + me.dragY * 10;
else {
angleX = (me.dragY / 2) + dragPressedAngleX;
angleY = (me.dragX / -2) + dragPressedAngleY;
When the user drags the mouse while holding the alt key down, the translateZ variable of CubeNode (that it inherits from Node) is increased or decreased as the mouse is dragged up or down. Increasing the translateZ variable, for example, moves the cube away from the user, making it appear smaller.
The TranslateTransition Class
Another way to perform a translate transformation is to use the TranslateTransition class, located with other transition-related classes in the javafx.animation.transition package. See the JavaFX 1.3 API documentation for the TranslateTransition class for details.
Rotate Transformations
As with translate transformations, there are three ways in JavaFX to perform rotate transformations. One way is to use the javafx.scene.transform.Rotate class. Another way involves the use of the rotate and rotationAxis instance variables of the node that you wish to rotate. The third way is to use the RotateTransition class, located in the javafx.animation.transition package. Each of these ways produces the same result: rotating a node on a given axis.
Using the Rotate Class
The code snippet below from the CubeNode.fx listing above demonstrates the use of the Rotate class:
var leftFace:CubeFace = CubeFace {
transforms: [
Translate {
x: 0
y: 0
z: edgeLength
Rotate {
angle: 90.0
axis: Rotate.Y_AXIS
pivotX: 0
node: Group {
content: bind [
The snippet above shows the left CubeFace being instantiated and positioned at edgeLength on the Z axis of the cube, which as you may recall is where the rear face was placed. It is then rotated 90 degrees on the Y axis (clockwise as looking from above). Because the pivotX variable is assigned a value of 0, the rotation occurs around the leftmost point on the leftFace node. As with the Translate instance shown earlier, the Rotate instance is used in the transforms sequence of the Node class, whose purpose is to express one or more transformations.
The Node rotate and rotationAxis Variables
An alternative to using the Rotate class is to simply use the rotate and rotationAxis variables of the Node class. You can specify the angle of rotation and the axis of rotation, but this technique doesn’t allow defining multiple axes of rotation nor does it allow identifying a pivot point around which the rotation is to occur.
The RotateTransition Class
Another way to perform a rotate transformation is to use the RotateTransition class, located with other transition-related classes in the javafx.animation.transition package. See the JavaFX 1.3 API documentation for the RotateTransition class for details.
Scale Transformations
As with translate and rotate transformations, there are three ways in JavaFX to perform scale transformations. One way is to use the javafx.scene.transform.Scale class, which allows you to specify pivot points about which the scales are to occur. Another way involves the use of the scaleX, scaleY, and scaleZ variables of the node that you wish to scale. The third way is to use the ScaleTransition class, located in the javafx.animation.transition package.
Some Other 3D-Related Features in JavaFX 1.3
There are a couple more 3D capabilities of JavaFX 1.3 that I’d like to point out. First, however, here is the source code for EarthCubeMain.fx, the main script in this example:
* EarthCubeMain.fx
* Main script for EarthCubeFX -- a program that uses the CubeNode component
* and superimposes map tiles from Google Maps web services.
* Developed by James L. Weaver ( to demonstrate the
* use of SCENE3D conditional features in the JavaFX 1.3 API
package javafxpert.earthcube;
import javafx.animation.*;
import javafx.runtime.*;
import javafx.scene.*;
import javafx.scene.effect.PerspectiveTransform;
import javafx.scene.image.*;
import javafx.scene.input.*;
import javafx.scene.layout.*;
import javafx.scene.paint.*;
import javafx.stage.*;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import javafxpert.cube.CubeNode;
if (not Platform.isSupported(ConditionalFeature.SCENE3D)) {
println("The SCENE3D conditional feature is not supported");
def EDGE_LENGTH:Number = 512;
var cube:CubeNode;
var mapOpacity:Number = 0.0;
def showMapTimeline = Timeline {
keyFrames: [
KeyFrame {
time: 0s
values: mapOpacity => 0.0
action: function():Void {
cube.goPosition(Number.NaN, calculateAngleYForCurrentTime());
at(1s) {mapOpacity => 0.7 tween Interpolator.EASEBOTH;}
def hideMapTimeline = Timeline {
keyFrames: [
KeyFrame {
time: 0s
values: mapOpacity => 0.7
action: function():Void {
at(1s) {mapOpacity => 0.0 tween Interpolator.EASEBOTH;}
def trackWithCurrentTime = Timeline {
keyFrames: [
KeyFrame {
time: 10m
action: function():Void {
cube.goPosition(Number.NaN, calculateAngleYForCurrentTime());
repeatCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE
function calculateAngleYForCurrentTime():Number {
def cal = new GregorianCalendar();
def hour:Number = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
def minute:Number = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
def angY:Number = (((hour / 24.0) + (minute / 1440.0)) * 360) mod 360;
return angY;
function createSideMapTiles(sideNum:Integer):Node {
def xOffset = sideNum * 2;
Tile {
columns: 2
rows: 2
content: for (y in [3..4], x in [xOffset..xOffset + 1]) {
ImageView {
var xm = (x + 1) mod 8
opacity: bind mapOpacity
image: Image {
url: "{xm}&y={y}&z=3"
fitWidth: EDGE_LENGTH / 2
fitHeight: EDGE_LENGTH / 2
function createTopMapTiles(sideNum:Integer):Node {
def xOffset = sideNum * 2;
Tile {
rotate: (450 - sideNum * 90) mod 360
columns: 2
rows: 3
content: for (y in [0..2], x in [xOffset..xOffset + 1]) {
ImageView {
var xm = (x + 1) mod 8
opacity: bind mapOpacity
image: Image {
url: "{xm}&y={y}&z=3"
fitWidth: EDGE_LENGTH / 2
fitHeight: EDGE_LENGTH / 3
effect: PerspectiveTransform {
ulx: EDGE_LENGTH * 0.375 uly: EDGE_LENGTH * 0.625
urx: EDGE_LENGTH * 0.625 ury: EDGE_LENGTH * 0.625
llx: 0 lly: EDGE_LENGTH
function createBottomMapTiles(sideNum:Integer):Node {
def xOffset = (sideNum + 1) * 2;
Tile {
rotate: (sideNum * 90) mod 360
columns: 2
rows: 3
content: for (y in [5..7], x in [xOffset..xOffset + 1]) {
ImageView {
var xm = (x + 1) mod 8
opacity: bind mapOpacity
image: Image {
url: "{xm}&y={y}&z=3"
fitWidth: EDGE_LENGTH / 2
fitHeight: EDGE_LENGTH / 3
effect: PerspectiveTransform {
ulx: 0 uly: 0
urx: EDGE_LENGTH ury: 0
llx: EDGE_LENGTH * 0.375 lly: EDGE_LENGTH * 0.375
lrx: EDGE_LENGTH * 0.625 lry: EDGE_LENGTH * 0.375
var stageRef:Stage;
stageRef = Stage {
style: StageStyle.TRANSPARENT
scene: Scene {
width: 800
height: 800
camera: PerspectiveCamera {
fieldOfView: 30
content: [
cube = CubeNode {
layoutX: 130
layoutY: 130
focusTraversable: true
onKeyPressed: function(ke:KeyEvent):Void {
if (ke.code == KeyCode.VK_SPACE) {
if (mapOpacity == 0.0) {
else {
else if (ke.code == KeyCode.VK_ESCAPE) {
edgeLength: EDGE_LENGTH
leftNode: createSideMapTiles(0)
frontNode: createSideMapTiles(1)
rightNode: createSideMapTiles(2)
rearNode: createSideMapTiles(3)
topNode: Stack {
content: [
for (side in [0..3]) createTopMapTiles(side),
ImageView {
opacity: bind mapOpacity
image: Image {
url: ""
fitWidth: EDGE_LENGTH / 4
fitHeight: EDGE_LENGTH / 4
bottomNode: Stack {
content: [
for (side in [0..3]) createBottomMapTiles(side),
ImageView {
opacity: bind mapOpacity
image: Image {
url: ""
fitWidth: EDGE_LENGTH / 4
fitHeight: EDGE_LENGTH / 4
Using the Scene PerspectiveCamera Class
Much of the code in the main script file shown above creates the nodes containing Google Map tiles that appear on the faces of the cube. Some of the code also causes the cube to rotate on the Y-axis periodically in order to track the position of the Sun, and handles keyboard input.
Some 3D related code that deserves more explanation is in the following snippet:
scene: Scene {
width: 800
height: 800
camera: PerspectiveCamera {
fieldOfView: 30
content: [
The PerspectiveCamera causes the scene to be rendered using a perspective projection, and its fieldOfView variable specifies the vertical angle of the camera’s projection.
Querying the Capabilities of the Platform at Runtime
There is a new package in JavaFX 1.3 named javafx.runtime that enables your program to query the runtime platform’s capabilities. Here’s a snippet from the EarthCubeMain.fx listing that demonstrates how to check for the platform’s support for a 3D scene graph:
if (not Platform.isSupported(ConditionalFeature.SCENE3D)) {
println("The SCENE3D conditional feature is not supported");
For completeness, here is the listing for the third file in the EarthCubeFX example, which defines a cube face on a CubeNode:
* CubeFace.fx
* Represents a face on the CubeNode UI component.
* Developed by James L. Weaver ( to demonstrate the
* use of SCENE3D conditional features in the JavaFX 1.3 API
package javafxpert.cube;
import javafx.scene.*;
import java.lang.Comparable;
import java.lang.Object;
public class CubeFace extends CustomNode, Comparable {
package var node:Node;
package var zPos:Number;
override var children = bind node;
override public function compareTo(cubeFace:Object) {
return (cubeFace as CubeFace).zPos.compareTo(zPos)
As you may have noticed in the arrangeFacesZOrder() function of the CubeNode.fx listing earlier in the article, when the cube is rotated the Z order of the faces must be manipulated programmatically so that a cube face doesn’t obscure another cube face that is in front of it. In this example, the following statement located in the arrangeFacesZOrder() function is executed to sort the CubeFace instances within their Group:
baseGroup.content = (Sequences.sort(baseGroup.content as CubeFace[]) as Node[]);
To support being sorted with the Sequences.sort() function, the CubeFace class extends the java.util.Comparable interface.
Future versions of JavaFX will have 3D shapes such as cubes, and will support other 3D constructs such as texture mapping and lighting. The JavaFX 1.3 SDK, however, provides a great opportunity to experiment with some basic 3D capabilities now. Please leave a comment if you have a question about this EarthCubeFX example.
Jim Weaver
I'm using the latest NetBeans 6.9 to run this project on my side.
But when I run application I get "The SCENE3D conditional feature is not supported" message in the output. I thought, that it is something wrong with JavaFX SDK on NetBeans. So, I have downloaded the last JavaFX 1.3 SDK today and configures NetBeans to use it. But still I get the same message - "The SCENE3D conditional feature is not supported".
Then I have commented the next condition in the code of application:
if (not Platform.isSupported(ConditionalFeature.SCENE3D)) {
println("The SCENE3D conditional feature is not supported");
and then run application again. Application runs, but without 3D. And also now I get the next message:
"WARNING: 3D transforms are not supported with Swing toolkit"
I'm using "-Xtoolkit prism" as JVM argument when I run application.
Please review and advise.
This application is very interesting for me.
Best regards.
- Sergiy Gavrylko
Posted by: Sergiy Gavrylko | June 25, 2010 at 08:46 AM
John, if you grab the JavaFX SDK off of, the PRISM toolkit comes with it. A good article describing this is and you use the "-Xtoolkit prism" option to tell JavaFX to use that toolkit. Best regards, -- dangjavageek
Posted by: Dangjavageek | May 11, 2010 at 10:09 AM
What exactly is PRISM and is it possible to download it so that I can get the example to work on my computer?
Posted by: John Coady | May 07, 2010 at 03:39 PM
Hey James
This is a really nice introduction to the capabilities of 3D Features.
FX lacks proper 3D scenegraph primitives at the moment. That being said you show a great technique to manipulate the 2D shape primitives in the 3D cartesian space.
Yes at the moment, you need to be 3D maths wizards or mental projectionist to visualise how to transform shapes into 3D space. It is possible with an experiment, two or three.
Until the 2D and 3D libraries under the service of the ice berg are united then mouse manipulation will be hard. Adding controls on the 3D scene means that they become unresponsive. I thought of a potential solution of having two separate javafx.scene.Scene on a stage javafx.scene.Stage but then I looked at the javafxdoc, the Stage can only accept one Scene node. Drat! One would need two separate Stages. One to show the 3D scene and the other stage to show javafx controls.
Posted by: Peter Pilgrim | May 06, 2010 at 07:23 AM