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July 31, 2011


James Weaver

Pitiporn Kawmoon,

As far as I know, JavaFX 2.0 doesn't currently run on TV (like JavaFX 1.3.1 did in the EarthCubeFX on JavaFX-TV post: http://learnjavafx.typepad.com/weblog/2010/05/earthcubefx-on-javafxtv.html)

Jim Weaver


If I want to run this app on TV, what will I need ?
Or I still have to wait for other part of JavaFX ?

Kind regards,
Pitiporn Kawmoon

Account Deleted

No. seems like all rectangles are in 2D stacked.

maybe a bug in Win64 version.


James Weaver

Jean Paul,

Do the 3D samples in Ensemble work for you?

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