You may remember the post-punk/new wave group from the '70s known as Devo. If so, you probably get the reference in the title of this post. According to Wikipedia, Devo's music and stage show mingle kitsch science fiction themes, deadpan surrealist humor, and mordantly satirical social commentary. The group often had a very geeky appearance, as evidenced by the album cover on the right.
There is another group of geeks, known as Devoxxians, that gather every fall in Belgium to attend a Java programming conference named Devoxx. I'm very happy to say that Gerrit Grunwald and I are two of those Devoxxians, and we'll be presenting a three-hour university session on JavaFX. This session occurs on Tuesday, 13 November 2012 at 1:30pm, and is targeted at Java developers that would like to learn to use the JavaFX APIs that are now included with Java.
Much of this session will draw upon the work in the Pro JavaFX 2 book that I co-authored, as well as the UI controls and gauges that Gerrit created for the open source JFXtras project. Some of the areas that we'll cover are:
- Getting started with JavaFX (Jim)
- Creating a user interface (Jim)
- Using Scene Builder and FXML (Jim)
- Using the JavaFX UI controls (Gerrit)
- Creating custom UI controls (Gerrit)
- Break
- Leveraging the strengths of JavaFX and HTML5 (Martin and Pär)
- Overview of DataFX, calling web services (Johan Vos)
- Using Scenic View (Jonathan Giles)
- Using JavaFX APIs from Alternative JVM Languages (Stephen Chin)
- Embedded Java/JavaFX on a Raspberry Pi (Angela Caicedo)
- Embedded Java/JavaFX on a BeagleBoard (Gerrit)
- Wrap-up and additional Q&A (Jim, Gerrit, et al)
During the session we'll have brief guest appearances by JavaFX developers such as Martin Gunnarson and Pär Sikö, Stephen Chin, Angela Caicedo, Jonathan Giles, Johan Vos, and Jasper Potts. We'll also be awarding ten copies of the Pro JavaFX 2 book to participative audience members :-)
We look forward to seeing you in our JavaFX university session at Devoxx!
Jim Weaver and Gerrit Grunwald